The Youth Centre is located in the centre of town, opposite Eroski on Line Wall Road. We open 3 times a week with some additional weekends. We welcome everyone to all our projects.
In addition, we also offer a variety of trips to places of interest both locally and abroad. Throughout the summer and winter holidays we offer a variety of engaging daytime projects which include cooking, sport & healthy lifestyles.
Club facilities include a pool table, PS5, Nintendo Switch and kitchen.
This club has wheelchair access and accessible toilets.
The Youth Centre is open Tuesday, Wednesdays, Thursdays.
Tuesday Youth Cafe (16-25 yrs)
Wednesday Mingle (18-30 yrs) *For young people who have a disability or learning and social needs.
Thursday Hyper Tweens (Yr 7+8)
Please contact Club Manager for opening times.

Voice of Young People (VYP Project) meet every Tuesday 4:30-7:00pm from ages 15 – 25 years old. This project gives young people a voice to discuss issues affecting them with the aim of improving and developing services for the youth at a local and political level.

Gibraltar Youth Production Team (GYPT) runs every Tuesday 4:30 – 7:00pm from ages 15 – 25 years old. Excellent project for anyone interested in media. This group work on cultural arts which include photography, filming & editing.
The Gibraltar Youth Service continues to strive towards helping young people bridge the gap between education and employment. The GYPT is a Youth Service leadership project which aims to attract young people between the ages 16-25 including, in particular, young people who are not in education, employment or training (in a bid to seek to assist in the development of skills useful to prospective employers and a portfolio of work for entering University). In this project, the idea is to have young people pursuing all the roles of a production team in the medium of film and photography.
Young people have the opportunity to build on a portfolio of work evidencing skills such as team work, working towards deadlines, presentation skills, time management, verbal and written communication, sharing ideas, planning and organising, developing professionalism, action planning and decision-making skills as well as skills in photography, video, lighting and editing.

Every Wednesdays 5:00-7:30pm.
The Youth Cafe is a safe and inclusive space for young people to have drinks and snacks. A place where you can socialise in a nonjudgmental environment.

#Rockthrifters is a joint project between Clubhouse Gibraltar and the Youth Service. Its aim is to encourage everyone especially young people to buy pre-loved clothes. The project seeks to promote this with a social media movement.
Ages 15+
Contact Details:
Club Manager: Aroa Nunez
Email: aroa.nunez@gibraltar.gov.gi
Office Tel: 200 41948
Club Tel: 200 40293
Mobile: 54084260 (during working hours)